Court Information
Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit
The Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit covers four counties in Northwest Georgia- Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade and Walker Counties. The Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office prosecutes felony cases in Catoosa, Chattooga and Walker Counties. In Dade County, the office prosecutes felony and misdemeanor cases. The Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office is responsible for prosecuting juveniles for criminal offenses in all four counties.
The population of the circuit is just under 180,000. The circuit borders Chattanooga, Tennessee and provides a mix of rural and suburban living with the nearby amenities of Chattanooga.
There are four superior court judges who hold court in all four counties. A Grand Jury is convened monthly in all counties except Dade, where they are convened once every two months. There are additional court days each month for arraignment and non-jury hearings in every county. The Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office also handles preliminary hearings in magistrate court.
Expungement Information
If you are interested in getting your criminal case expunged from your record, please click on the link below for more information.